Thursday, November 28, 2019

Marxs and Engelss Communist Manifesto

To understand the full meaning of the given passage, one must comprehend the historical and intellectual context in which it appears.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marx’s and Engels’s Communist Manifesto specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Basically, Marx’s and Engels’s Communist Manifesto has depicted human history as a continuous manifestation of class struggles between an oppressor minority and the oppressed majority. Before the advent of the industrial age, all oppressive power was vested in the hands of a feudal class – the aristocracy. The chain of events starting with the overthrow of the monarchy in the French revolution eroded the traditional power base of Europe, leading to the rise of a new class of oppressors among the serfs – the bourgeoisie. This class of men only spoke the language of money and had little use for traditional values such as workmanship, chiva lry, religion, family relationships and other forms of sentimentality. The proletariat – the labor class, then crowded to fill the ranks of the new oppressed majority, allowing their hard work to be exploited by the bourgeois capitalists for a bare minimum existence. Marx and Engels believed that through this exploitative association with the proletariat, the bourgeoisie was able to rise to the top of the social class pyramid, fostering the development of present day property relations which sit at the heart of a wealth-driven society. According to this theory, the onset of the 19th century saw the dawn of a new civilization in which all productive forces of society were being systematically channelized to secure the existence of bourgeois property. Consequently, the proletarians had little choice but to understand their place in the new hierarchy which thrived on their usefulness as workmen, but cared little for their welfare as human beings. Marx and Engels argued that such an exploitative arrangement could not last forever and in due course, discontent would rise to the surface, which would ultimately, force the labor class to rise in armed rebellion against an uncaring, bourgeois ruling class. The study passage serves to illustrate such an outcome.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The first section states that: The productive forces of society no longer tend to further the development of bourgeois civilization and the condition of bourgeois property. The conditions of bourgeois society are too narrow to comprise the wealth created by them. (Marxists Internet Archive, 2011). Since, discontent was growing heavily, Marx and Engles have tried to predict it would be only a matter of time before the bourgeoisie realized that their financial stranglehold on the proletariat was not strong enough to permanently secure their wealth due to the uneven nature of exploitation. Sooner or later, the ambitions of the proletariat would break the glass ceiling that until now, kept them down. To further assess the proletariat’s vulnerabilities, the passage looks into how the bourgeoisie desires to tackle this problem: And how does the bourgeoisie get over this crises? On the one hand, by the enforced destruction of a mass of productive forces; on the other hand, by the conquest of new markets, and by the more thorough exploitation of the old ones. That is to say, by paving the way for more extensive and more destructive crises, and by diminishing the means whereby crises are prevented. (Marxists Internet Archive, 2011). In association with other sections of the passage, we may gather that the authors, here, are referring to immoral tactics that have been employed by capitalists to demoralize the labor class; these include keeping the wages low i.e. enforcing destruction of a means to production, and looking for ingenious ways to exploit old markets while discovering new ones. Marx and Engles theorize that Capitalism thrives on the back of labor exploitation, which will set the events that would eventually lead to the downfall of such a system. The last section of the passage suggests that Capitalism’s seeds of destruction lie in its own methods of oppression:Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marx’s and Engels’s Communist Manifesto specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The weapons with which the bourgeoisie felled feudalism to the ground are now turned against the bourgeoisie itself. But not only has the bourgeoisie forged the weapons that bring death to itself; it has called into existence the men who are to wield those weapons – the modern workers – the proletarians. (Marxists Internet Archive, 2011). Marx and Engels are here trying to imply that not unlike Frankenstein, the bourgeoisie has created a monster among the proletariats, who would one day untie the restraints that are keeping them tethered in submission. When such a thing happens in future, it would undermine the very foundations of the bourgeois power structure. The significance of the passage, can be seen in the context of the overall Communist Manifesto theory. The underlying theme of Communism tries to project the proletariat as the owner of all means of production in a distant, utopian future – a future where men are stripped of their right to exploit the labor of other men for their individual, selfish benefits. From the point of view of early 19th century history, this was a radical statement to make. To be first among his peers, Marx came with a theory where it was possible for the oppressed majority people to wrest the reins of power from an oppressive minority. The passage, here, serves as a clarion call to the proletariat to fight against the fetters of injustice, in order to rise against a global, tyrannical sys tem that has been exploiting it for its own good. If one reads between the lines, the passage serves to incite readers of that period to raise their voice against the injustices of the prevailing system It is significant to note that within years and decades of the publishing of Communist Manifesto, the world saw major Communist rebellions in South America. The impact of this passage is indeed profound, considering its indirect role in shaping human history. Reference Marxists Internet Archive. (2011, Oct 10). Manifesto of the Communist Party [Online document]. Retrieved from Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Marx’s and Engels’s Communist Manifesto was written and submitted by user Shania S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Dentistry essays

Dentistry essays Dentistry is described as diagnosing, preventing, and treating faulty teeth, gums, tongue, lips, and mouth tissue. A dentist must remove decay, fill cavities, examine x-rays, put a protection of sealants in mouths, straighten crooked teeth, and repair fractured and chipped teeth. Dentists also must preform many surgeries on the gums and jaws of patients. They must be able to extract teeth, make molds and models to send to dental laboratories to replace missing or decaying teeth. To make their jobs easier, dentists provide guidance on the use of anesthetics, dieting, brushing, flossing, water picking, fluorides, and tooth whitening. Most dentist work various amounts of times. The time range is usually between twenty five to forty hours a week. After medical school, dentists obviously tend to work more hours to pay for their education. Most dentists become solo practitioners. These dentists control their business with a small staff of hygienists and secretaries. They also sen d their molds, crown and bridge work, and porcelain out to dental technicians. Other dentists have partners and work in dental firms or hospitals or as an associate dentist. In the life of a dentist practically every day is a challenge. This career provides a great variety. It is quickly changing and a definite expanding profession. Usually for most diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension, dentists are the first health professionals to notice signs. In order to diagnosis such diseases dentists must use a variety of technology such as computers and magnetic imaging. Also to diagnose these health flaws a dentist must have a good ability for visual memory, judgement for size and shape, and a scientific ability. Dentists must also work to achieve a better appearance for their patients and a better health through cosmetic dentistry. After school dentists must continue to gradually increase their education and awareness through public ed...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Office Art Memo. Memorandum Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Office Art Memo. Memorandum - Assignment Example Technically of course, these will all be reproductions, as I do not believe our company wants to spend that millions on decorating an office! The first three works are prime examples of impressionist paintings. Like all impressionist paintings, they rely on observation of the real world, but attempt to focus more on how that affects the mind than reproducing exactly what is seen. They thus play with reflection, with light, and with the transparency of the water – and each one treats it differently. The 1916 work focuses on the lack of distinction between the lilies, the water and the space around it, while the 1906 and 1920 ones all focus on higher contrast, which is intentional so the paintings do not blur together too much in our office. The three post-impressionist paintings are vastly different. While Monet’s Water Lilies might have somewhat muted color for an impressionist work, these paintings thrive on bright colors, a staple of impressionism that was adopted in post-impressionism. They, however, are more arbitrary with color choice, feeling more at ease with mixing around colors that would not actually exist. Furthermore, they embrace geometric representations far more than impressionists would – straight lines, sharp angles and sweeping curves are the norm, as opposed to the Monet works where an almost pixelated application blurs objects together. These paintings would be arranged throughout the office in order to communicate both to our clients and our staff things we want about the company. The first painting anyone sees upon entering would be the 1906 Water Lilies, a classic work that invokes a sense of peace and beauty, perfect for a welcoming. The other two Water Lilies would be spaced throughout the office, alternating with the post impressionist works (which are much higher energy) reminding everyone to keep a positive space and an equilibrium in all circumstances. The next painting between the first two Water Lilies, which one would see when moving past reception, would be Century of Independence, a postimpressionist work that features bright colours, a great deal of energy, and people cavorting together: this invokes a sense of everyone pulling in the same direction. As mentioned above, there would then be another Water Lily. The next work would be the Portrait by Paul Signac, which features an almost 60seqsue swirl of color and pattern, and a man in profile marching purposefully to the left of the painting with a top hat and cane. This painting invokes youth: an energy and willingness to break through the molds and explore new things, and a sense of fun – which is something that everyone should be having at work, and produces a healthy work environment. Again, there would be the final Water Lilies painting. The final work, nestled at the back of the office, would be the Haying at Eragny. This serves as the unifying work of the entire office, having a mix of impressionist and post-impressionis t styles. It is more subdued than the other postimpressionists, and reminds everyone that no matter what, between the peace, the fun, the energy and the togetherness, we are all working hard to get important things done, much like the people in the painting who are working the land for their livelihood. It connects to all of the themes of the other painting: it has a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What do Northcentral's Mission Statement, Vision, and Values Statement Personal

What do Northcentral's Mission , Vision, and Values mean to me personally as a Learner - Personal Statement Example This can lead to several challenges in ensuring that students not only understand their lessons but are also integrated into the university's culture. I think Northcentral University is doing a very good job of ensuring this and as such is one of the best online universities out there. Northcentral university's mission statement and vision clearly spell out how their approach to online learning is unique and distinctive. The university's and its faculty's passion and commitment to educating individual students are clearly spelt out in the university's value statement. This distinctive approach to learning and the commitment of the faculty is passed onto the students and inspires them to conduct themselves with integrity and give their best performance through innovation and teamwork. In my opinion, Northcentral University's mission statement, vision and values statement help define how I as a learner shall conduct myself and learn from the dedicated faculty members. Northcentral Univ ersity's mission is to provide "quality educational opportunities" to people around the world. The commitment to providing education to not just a community but to interested individuals all over the world makes the university unique. Traditional universities, by the virtue of their location, can only provide education to the individuals living in the community. Because these traditional universities have a commitment to their communities, when they do enroll outsiders, they often charge them higher tuition rates. The campus-based model also means that students need to be at the campus at particular times, which can make it difficult for many students to pursue an education while also being gainfully employed. Northcentral University's online model takes care of these typical problems of a traditional university. It removes boundaries from education and makes it easily available at the same affordable rate to people around the world, thus removing the location based discrimination s een in local universities. The online model also allows busy professionals to get education without giving up their day jobs. Thus, the university's mission ensures that education can become truly universal by making it available to anyone who seeks it. A big problem often faced by online students is that the quality of education is often much lower than what is available through the traditional classroom model. One reason for this is that professors often think of their online classes as an additional job and are not dedicated to it in the same way as they are to their traditional classes. Since teachers can see their students in person in a traditional classroom, they feel more of a connection to them. In an online environment, this connection between the teachers and students is often missing. The "distinctive faculty mentored approach" of Northcentral University ensures that the university's students do not feel neglected by their teachers. Being a fully online university, teach ers do not see their online students as an additional job. The faculty's passion and investment into the student's education ensures that Northcentral University does not suffer from the problems faced by other online programs. Northcentral University values the needs of individual students promotes a passion for education in its faculty and administration. The focus on the needs of each individual student is important because in large class sizes, individual students often get lost. On the one hand, the brighter students stand out and often become teacher's favorite while on the other hand students at the bottom of the class are ignored. As a result, the good students excel and get much more attention from the teachers while the average students are left to fend for

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business accounting - Essay Example Methodologies Used A preliminary literature study enables a research to get a feel of the topic to be covered (Goddard & Melville 2007: 19). Thus, secondary research has been undertaken after the identification of the research topic and the specific industry to focus on. The researcher has utilised textbooks written by renowned experts in the field of accounting for the purpose of gathering information that would be confirmed or negated in the later part of the research when the interviews with selected parties have been concluded and the results thereof have been orderly put together. After doing some secondary research, the particulars of the enterprise to be made subject of the research were next planned out. Finding the right enterprise was, indeed, a challenge that had to be dealt with. After all, managers or owners of business enterprises are usually the kind of people who are busy and are keen on never wasting their time on unimportant things. They also are likely to turn down the proposition to have their enterprises covered in a research paper such as this, especially if they see that it offers them no personal or commercial advantage. (Saunders, etc. 2007: 5) Requests that interviews be granted were sent and upon obtaining such permission, the researcher next worked on composing the questions to be asked. It has been established that in the conduct of interviews, a researcher must keep in mind what it is like to be in the shoes of the subjects interviewed (Andrews 2003: 1). Doing this would serve as an effective way to check on the quality of questions asked and the manner in which they are asked. Only relevant questions must be asked and a polite manner must be consistently adopted throughout the interview. These inputs from relevant sources have served to guide the researcher throughout the interviewing processes that had to be carried out as an integral part of this research. Interview answers - which represent data gathered from primary sources - then had to be compared with the information gathered from the textbooks - which, in turn, represent data from secondary sources. Similarities and differences were processed to get to findings and to deliver the results of this research. Results The subject of the research is one of the small-sized diners of London that is called "Sunday Diners." Located in the busy district of the city, it caters to college students and young professionals who drop by for quick meals or drinks on their way to school or to work. The diner's accountant and owner both graciously consented to be interviewed as their unique way to contribute to an important school project of one of their regular customers - the researcher. The latter undertook the interview procedures by visiting the diner during its less hectic hours for a week. The accountant, Miss Elizabeth Jones, maintains the books all by herself. She does the cash register, the cash disbursement register, the journal voucher, the general ledger an d summarizes them all monthly through the generated financial statements - the balance sheet, the income statement and the statement of changes in cash position. As if she does not yet have her hands full, Miss Jones also takes care of the subsidiary ledgers for both the accounts receivable and accounts payable of the diner. It is a good thing that the bank reconciliation statement does not anymore have to get in the way of adjusted cash balances. This is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Performance in practice and reflective account

Performance in practice and reflective account Introduction Assessment has always been an indispensible part of the learning process. The process helps to evaluate whether the course program results in generating benefits for the individuals participating in it. However, the process of assessment is not focused in real term. As per the studies conducted by Gibbs (1999) and Elton Johnston (2002), around 10% of the tasks that the students do in their academics are not accessed at all. On considering the case of nursing, it is noted that the lack of assessment leaves the chances of patients and public to suffer. On the other hand, the regressive assessment process can help a lot to the people attached with it. Mentorship always plays an important role in the preparation of the student to work in the practical environment. In my course of mentorship, I work as the staff nurse at the operation theatre. Recently in our organization, we have implemented the force tread valley lab and Aatherny machine in our department. There are several complications attached with the machine, as not many people have used it in their learning courses. Thus, it becomes important for me to make the students learn about the machine, how to operate it, how to take care of any unexpected result etc. For this assignment, I had conducted assessment program to analyse the learning that the learners gain from this machine. Based on the assessment done, I have come up with some important findings related to the machine and learners as well. Therefore, hereon, I would be discussing the experience after the proper assessment of the learners for the force tread valley lab and Aatherny machine incorporated in our department. For better analysis results, I had a meeting with the associate health practitioner to understand the proper ways of evaluation. My talks with him had helped me a lot in reaching to my goals i n quite a professional manner. Assessment Methods The process of assessment should of such a kind that that the students are able to gain something from it. If the process of learning is found to have some flaws as per the assessment, it is better to make amendments in the learning process (Brown et al., 1997). Thereon raises the need of rigorous assessment process the mentor shall take right steps of assessment to reach to the right results. In case mentor does not take right steps to assess his students, the results can be pathetic for both the student and the patients in the future. Thus, there are number of assessment processes in place. Some of the most commonly used assessment processes include (ACGME, 2000):- Patient Surveys Patient surveys are used for the assessment of satisfaction with the clinics, hospitals and they include questions about the physicians care (Smee, 2004). The questions are used with some general aspects of the physicians care (time spent with the patient), physician competency (knowledge and skills, courtesy or empathy). Some more specific aspects of care include physicians explanations, treatment steps and drug side effects, listening skills. Typical survey method includes rating techniques with poor, fair, good, very good, excellent rating standards or agreements with the care describing statements by using yes or no statement. Each rating has given a value and then the satisfactions score is calculated by the average of all responses for generating single score or scores for different clinical care settings or activities Objective structured Clinical Examination In the OSCE method, one or two assessment tools are managed by almost 12-20 patient encounter stations. Each station lasts after 10-15 minutes. Candidates may complete the patient notes or a detailed written examination about some previous patients encounter. All candidates move from one station to other station with the sequence of same schedule. Standardized patients are considered as the primary assessment tools that are used in OSCEs but it includes data interpretation exercise with the clinical cases and clinical conditions with anatomical models for the assessment of technical skills. 360 degree evaluation method 360-degreee evaluation method includes measurement tools that are to be completed by multiple people under the persons sphere of influence. The evaluators are peers, subordinates, patients, families and supervisors. This evaluation process uses questionnaire to collect information about the performances of individuals on several topics such as communication, management skills, decision- making, teamwork etc. The process also include rating scales for the assessment that how the behavior is performed. Then the ratings are summarized for all type of evaluations by the topic and overall for the purpose of providing feedback. Chart stimulated recall oral examination (CSR) In the CSR, the examinees are assessed in the form of standardized oral examinations. A trained and experienced examiner asks the questions about care provided for the reasons behind the diagnoses, interpretation of clinical findings and some treatment plans. The examiners rate the examinee by using well established scoring procedure. The well designed CSR cases generally take 5 to 10 minutes for each one but the typical CSR process is of two hours with one or more than one examiners/ physician per separates sessions of 30-60 minutes. Written Examinations This is just the test using Multiple- choice questions to check for the performance on participants. Simulation and model Simulation methods are used to assess the clinical performances and that are close to the reality and attempt to reproduce (Novotny et al., 2006; Waltz et al, 2010). However, these are not used for duplicating real clinical problems. Here are some attributes for simulation methods allow the examinees for a reason through the clinical problems without any signal. They integrate some options, permit the examinees for making some threatening errors without any damage to the patient, provide feedback to correct the mistake done, give rating to the performances of examinees on some clinical problems, which are impossible at the time of evaluation effectively. Some simulation methods have been developed as PMPs (patient management problems), role- playing situation (clinical team simulations, standardized patients (SPs), anatomical models or the combination of these three types. Anatomical models are used for body organs for pathological findings to simulate the disease of patients. VR sim ulations (virtual reality simulations) use computers with anatomical models and that allows an assessment of procedural skills and other clinical tasks Hereon, in the case at hand, we had made use of Simulation and model technique. This technique seems to be the best choice for this task because the course relates to learning of the force tread valley lab and Aatherny machine that is recently implemented in our department. The simulated environment gives a number of options that relate to reality. The student can learn practically, using this approach. I gave the students an opportunity to perform in the real time environment. In this practical environment, students are able to perform practically, and even there is no risk of any patients health. Thus, the life is safe as well. Direct practice on an individual is quite a risky practice. Therefore, the risk free method shall be made into practice. Hereon, the assessment method suggested very good results for me. It was quite a fair way to assess anyone. There cannot be any sort of variation due to any reason. Even the chances of biasness are minimized using the approach. What matter s in this assessment method is the practical performance. Critical Reflection The learning process in nursing is of quite importance. The successors of the course are expected to be responsible for the lives of people in the future. Therefore, there is the need for proper assessment of an individual who enrols in the program. I was given an opportunity to assess the performance of my students. My students were performing well in the theory sessions. I found that the force tread valley lab and Aatherny Machine are quite crucial to in the nursing related activities. The students here in our course were trying to workout to learn how to make use of these devices in practice. One who makes use of both the machine and the knowledge of nursing is the actual nursing specialist, else knowing how to operate a machine would just make him limit to being a machine operator (Andrist et al., 2006; APA, 2008). The nurses are seen facing trouble in using technological devices since the mid 1960s (Sandlelowski, 2000). Thus, there is something, which acts as a hurdle against the process of learning to handle technological devices. The process suggests the right use of skills in order to gain from the machines. The skills of nurses are evaluated more and more using the usage skills of machines (Ferguson Calder, 1993), as t hese machines have become an indispensible part in ones nursing course process. Even the introduction of the machine in our department adds to the reason for learning the process of using machine. Hereon, the results I got from the performance of students was quite astonishing. I was happy to see that some of the students operated the machine in simulated environment in such a good manner that it seems that these students can operate in a real world environment as well. These students are expected to grow at a good rate within their career arena. However, the performance of some of the students was too bad. We are lucky that we have the assessment model of simulated environment, from which we can find out the students who are too weak to handle the practical situations. These students are too risky to operate in real term. Therefore, the right use of the simulated environment was of help for me to analyse the performance of students and their easiness to operate the machine. Based on the assessment, the weaker students are suggested to work out on their learning sessions. Machines are usually found tough to be used by the students in general (Brown Edwards, 2007; Anderson, 2000). The student needs to learn the process of using the machine along with implementation of their nursing knowledge, which is not an easy task. Therefore, the problem situation arises hereon. In our case, as our department did not make use of any machine in earlier days, but sudden incorporation of machine in our department had acted as a hurdle against our regular management operations. The need of proper knowledge in technical terms can help an individual to perform in a better manner. Thus, mentors are quite crucial to assess the students. I shall however keep an eye to maintain the standards as per the NMC (2006). This suggests me to assess thoroughly each of the students performance. This would help me in reaching to the right assessment decision. Conclusion The assessment has been an important player in the success of an individuals performance. Thus, I need to properly evaluate the students to understand their comfort with using the force tread valley lab and Aatherny Machine. The simulated assessment method used by me was quite a good choice. I was able to clearly analyse and evaluate the performance of individuals. Some of the students were though finding it tough to use the machine. This was mainly due to the reason that our organization did not use the machine earlier. Thus, it further added to the complexity of assessing the students. I found the successful candidates in this evaluation method were quite strong in their performance activities, and I expect the bright future of these individuals. The recent implementation of machine in our department acted as the major reason for this. The learning to use a machine is a time consuming process. It is expected that with due course of time, my students would be able to learn the way to use the machine. However, I have even planned extra sessions for those who do not perform well during my assessment sessions. These special sessions would be aimed to help the students in learning the areas they are lacking in. This way, I would be able to generate brighter talent from my department, which can be a great asset for future nursing.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Julius Caesar: Synopsis Of Brutus :: essays research papers

Marcus Brutus, Caesar’s noble friend, joined the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar because of his love for Rome. The Lives of the Greeks and Romans gives a very good description of Brutus; it was not far off what Shakespeare describes Brutus as. Plutarch described Brutus as A marvelous lowly and gentle person, noble minded, and would never be in any rage, nor carried away with pleasure and covetousness; but had ever an upright mind with him, and would never yield to any wrong or injustice. (p. 139) Brutus was a very respected and honest man. Casca, one of the conspirators, said that he was very respected by the people by saying â€Å"O, he sits high in all the people’s hearts, And that which would appear offence in us, His countenance, like richest alchemy, Will change to virtue and to worthiness.† (I, iii, l 157-160) Casca said this to Cassius. Marcus Brutus was very essential to the conspirators because this would have ensured that the people would listen to them. Brutus was also a true Roman. When Cassius and all of the other conspirators met Brutus at his house and all of them decided to murder Caesar, Cassius said that all of them should swear. Brutus then said, â€Å"No, not an oath: if the face of men, The sufferance of our souls, the time’s abuse—If these be motives weak, break off betimes,† (II, i, l 114-116) and â€Å"Than secret Romans, that have spoke the word And will not palter?† (II, i, l 125-126) Here, Brutus is saying t hat if they are true and honest Romans they do not have to take an oath, their word should be good enough.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Brutus was the only man in the conspiracy with good intentions. Brutus wants to assassinate Caesar for the good of Rome. The other conspirators are all doing it for their own selfish reasons. Brutus’ motives, for joining the conspirators, indicate that he was very public-minded and morally conscientious. When Brutus says â€Å"But for the general. He would be crown’d: How that might change his nature, there’s the question:† (II, i, l 12-14) He was stating that it will be for the good of Rome to assassinate Caesar. Also he did not want their assassination to seem too gruesome, this shows he was morally conscientious. When Cassius said that they should also kill Antony, Brutus says â€Å"Our course will seem too bloody, Caius Cassius†.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Animal Farm’s Totalitarian Leader Essay

Animal Farm’s leader, Napoleon, has all the power. He is able to build up and hold onto that power as a totalitarian leader, which is a central government that controls over all aspect of life. Napoleon did many different things to get to that power and hold onto it. Napoleon first took charge after the rebellion against Mr. Jones. He and Snowball, who was the other smart pig on the farm, wrote the seven commandments. The other animals don’t know how to read, so Snowball needed to read it to them. â€Å"Never mind the milk, comrades!† cried Napoleon.(Orwell 44). â€Å"So the animals marched down to the hayfield to begin harvest, and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared.†(44) † So the animals trooped down to the hayfield to begin the harvest, and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared.†(44) â€Å"Comrades!† he cried. â€Å"You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!†(52). Napoleon and Snowball sent squealer to strike the animals with fear that Jones might return, and stole the apple and milk from them because they â€Å"require it†. Napoleon took care of everyone who was a threat to him.† At this there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn. They dashed straight for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws.† (66) Napoleon got rid of Snowball because he was a threat to his power. Snowball was in favor of helping the farm, but Napoleon just wanted to get the power for himself.† To the amazement of everybody, three of them flung themselves upon Boxer. Boxer saw them coming and put out his great hoof, caught a dog in mid-air, and pinned him to the ground. The dog shrieked for mercy and the other two fled with their tails between their legs. Boxer looked at Napoleon to know whether he should crush the dog to death or let it go. Napoleon appeared to change countenance and sharply ordered Boxer to let the dog go, whereat Boxer lifted his hoof, and the dog slunk away, bruised and howling.†(92) Napoleon tried to get Boxer killed but Boxer did not realize that, that’s why Napoleon countenance. Napoleon tried to get Boxer killed because everyone looked up to him, and he was loyal to Napoleon. † ‘Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. Kennels Supplied.’ Do you not understand what that means? They are taking Boxer to the knacker’s!†(123).Everyone thought Napoleon was sending Boxer to the hospital, but really they were going to kill him. Napoleon tried keeping all of the animals dumb so it can be easier to take advantage of them. â€Å"It was the most affecting sight I have ever seen!† said Squealer, lifting his trotter and wiping away a tear. â€Å"I was at his bedside at the very last. And at the end, almost too weak to speak, he whispered in my ear that his sole sorrow was to have passed on before the windmill was finished. ‘Forward, comrades!’ he whispered. â€Å"Forward in the name of the Rebellion.† Long live Animal Farm! Long live Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right. †Those were his very last words, comrades.† Here Squealer’s demeanor suddenly changed. He fell silent for a moment, and his little eyes darted suspicious glances from side to side before he proceeded.†(125) Squealer easily lied to them about them taking Napoleon to the hospital. Napoleon changed the Seven Commandments without the animals knowing, because they were working too much to have time to read. The original Commandments were:†1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. 2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill any other animal. 7. All animals are equal. â€Å"(43) In the end, Napoleon took them all out and left only one; Four legs good, Two legs better. Napoleon used many different techniques to build up and hold onto the power he has over Animal Farm. He kept the animals dumb, got rid of his threats and changed the commandments.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Out Of Control Operating Costs

Out of Control Operating Costs and the Major Airlines BY Abstract Out of control operating costs is one reason that the major airlines today are having the financial difficulties they do. The industry has changed dramatically in the last few years, and those that don’t change with it will not survive. The lower cost airlines seem to have captured the changing market and been able to benefit during the evolution. Many reasons are to blame for the majors being on the loosing end of the stick, but in this paper I will only discuss a few of the most important ones. The airline industry today faces more financial problems than ever before. Since 2001, the U.S. airline industry has confronted financial losses of previously unseen proportions. From 2001 to 2003, the industry lost $23 billion, and two of the nation’s biggest airlines have gone into bankruptcy. In the first quarter of 2004, only two of the seven major airlines, American and Southwest, made profits (Bond 2004). In addition to rising fuel and equipment costs, fares have stayed extremely low because of fierce competition with low cost carriers. US Airways, the seventh largest carrier, based out of Charlotte, NC seems to have the biggest problem. The airline emerged out of bankruptcy only a year ago and takes in revenues that would produce a profit at most other airlines, yet continues to be in the red. In order to see possible solutions for the major airline industries out of control operating cost this paper will analyze the problems facing the industry. Before the Deregulation Act of 1978, the airlines were heavily controlled by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). This Board controlled ticket prices as well as routes and flight frequency. Ticket prices at that time were too high to truly promote the air industry. Other modes of transportation were far more cost effective to the c... Free Essays on Out Of Control Operating Costs Free Essays on Out Of Control Operating Costs Out of Control Operating Costs and the Major Airlines BY Abstract Out of control operating costs is one reason that the major airlines today are having the financial difficulties they do. The industry has changed dramatically in the last few years, and those that don’t change with it will not survive. The lower cost airlines seem to have captured the changing market and been able to benefit during the evolution. Many reasons are to blame for the majors being on the loosing end of the stick, but in this paper I will only discuss a few of the most important ones. The airline industry today faces more financial problems than ever before. Since 2001, the U.S. airline industry has confronted financial losses of previously unseen proportions. From 2001 to 2003, the industry lost $23 billion, and two of the nation’s biggest airlines have gone into bankruptcy. In the first quarter of 2004, only two of the seven major airlines, American and Southwest, made profits (Bond 2004). In addition to rising fuel and equipment costs, fares have stayed extremely low because of fierce competition with low cost carriers. US Airways, the seventh largest carrier, based out of Charlotte, NC seems to have the biggest problem. The airline emerged out of bankruptcy only a year ago and takes in revenues that would produce a profit at most other airlines, yet continues to be in the red. In order to see possible solutions for the major airline industries out of control operating cost this paper will analyze the problems facing the industry. Before the Deregulation Act of 1978, the airlines were heavily controlled by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). This Board controlled ticket prices as well as routes and flight frequency. Ticket prices at that time were too high to truly promote the air industry. Other modes of transportation were far more cost effective to the c...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The eNotes Blog Best Beatrice and Benedick Insults,Explained

Best Beatrice and Benedick Insults,Explained Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing is one of his most successful romantic comedies. It is ridiculously funny, in part because the banter is so absurd (the characters even more so), but also in part because unlike other Shakespearean comedies, there’s actually no major tragedy that ensues. One of my favorite parts of reading Much Ado About Nothing was the delightfully witty banter between two of the main characters: Beatrice and Benedick. I am not alone in this. Many people credit this play’s lasting success to the hilarious rapid-fire between these two characters. The thing is, Shakespeare used a lot of slang from his time, so many of his jokes are more difficult to figure out. So, in order to get the full effect of their brilliant gibes (and trust me, you really do want to), you might need to do a bit of translation to see what they’d sound like if we said them today. Don’t fret though- I’ve done a bit of the work for you. But of course, this means spoilers! Read on if you want to learn how to wittily banter with someone while simultaneously courting them, according to Beatrice and Benedick. Name Calling Beatrice:     Ã‚  I wonder that you will still be talking, Signior   Benedick:   Nobody marks you. Benedick:  Ã‚  What, my dear Lady Disdain! are you yet living? Beatrice:     Ã‚  Is it possible Disdain should die when she hath such                                 meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick? Courtesy itself                                 must convert to disdain if you come in her presence                                   - (act 1 scene 1). If we spent a little more time crafting our insults these days, we might say this like: â€Å"Why are you are still talking, Benedick? Nobody is listening to you.† â€Å"Oh, look! It’s my Lady Disdain herself! Aren’t you dead yet?† â€Å"How could Lady Disdain die when there are people like you to keep disdain alive? When you’re here, even Lady Courtesy turns into Lady Disdain.† We all want to seem really cool when we reunite with the one we love for the first time in years (or is it just me). To do so, be sure to use â€Å"punny† jokes to insult their intelligence and demeanor. If you really want to impress someone, Benedick suggests you double the insult with some good old-fashioned name-calling. Real mature, Benedick. I Dont Like You More Than You Dont Like Me Beatrice and Benedick are fond of playing a game called, â€Å"Who is less vulnerable to love’s pains?† Or in other words: Maybe if we both act like we really loathe one another, no one will notice that we don’t. Quick, say something rude about my appearance! Beatrice:      [] I thank God and     my cold blood, I am of your humour for that. I had rather     hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves     me. Benedick:   God keep your Ladyship still in that mind! So some     gentleman or other shall ‘scape a predestinate scratched     face. Beatrice:     Scratching could not make it worse an ‘twere such     a face as yours were.                        - (act 1 scene 1) Today, I imagine this as something like: â€Å"Thank God that I don’t care about love and romance. I’d rather listen to my dog bark at a crow than hear a man swear that he loves me.† â€Å"Well let’s hope you stay in that frame of mind, so some poor guy can avoid getting his face scratched up.† â€Å"If he has a face that looks like yours, even a good scratching couldnt make him look any worse.† Obviously, we know that neither of these two are truly impervious to love’s charms, but it’s fun to watch them pretend to be, isn’t it? It might seem counter-intuitive to tell the person that we’re crushing on that their face looks like a cat used it for a scratching post. But as we can see here, calling them ugly totally lets them know that you’re into them (she said, sarcastically). I Just Came to Tell You That I Hate Talking to You When Beatrice is told to deliver the message to Benedick that dinner is ready, she takes the moment to remind him how much she hates talking to him- because obviously if you love someone you should definitely tell them repeatedly how much you hate being in their presence. Benedick: You took pleasure then in the message? Beatrice:  Ã‚  Yea, just so much you may take upon a knife’s point,                              and choke a daw withal.                              - (act 2 scene 3). This one is only self-explanatory if you know that a daw is a very small bird that eats, you guessed it, a very small amount of food. Beatrice is saying something like the following:   I enjoyed telling you that dinner was ready about as much as it would take to make a daw choke. Ooh, Elizabethan burn! As you can see, Shakespeare is the perfect guy to go to when you need a little inspiration for some good old-fashioned insults to mask your undying love for someone. Because if it worked for them†¦ just kidding. I don’t think you should try this at home. But all joking aside, Much Ado About Nothing is filled with romantic relationships that are really complicated. Beatrice and Benedick’s relationship is no exception. Their fears and insecurities cause the two to push one another away, but their game of wits shows them to be compatible in their intelligence, humor, and wit. They eventually admit their love to one another with the help of meddling from their friends and well-timed letter reading, as only characters in a play can. I for one, am happy for these two lovebirds.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Management accounting and the challenge of strategic focus Essay

Management accounting and the challenge of strategic focus - Essay Example The study made use of qualitative analysis of secondary narrative data on the company subject of the case study. Through qualitative data analysis, the study employed the self-referential, â€Å"autopoietic† theory to explain the role of the firm’s management accounting system in providing control and guidance in relation to the firm’s â€Å"self-production.† The title is short and categorical, sufficient to capture the interest of a student who would be interested in an article on the general topics of either management accounting or strategic management, or the link between them. However, for one who is looking for a particular topic within the scope of either field, the title does not sufficiently convey the specific gist of what the paper is about. Either field is very broad, and the title should properly encapsulate what aspect of the link between the two subjects is discussed. Since the focus of the discussion is on autopoiesis, this single word, coupled with management accounting and strategic management, would have provided the a sufficiently concise yet informative title. The title we would suggest would be: â€Å"Application of Autopoiesis Theory in Organization Strategy† The abstract gives a concise yet informative summary of the study, identifying it immediately as a case study and therefore preparing the reader to address it as such. It also provides the reader with the theoretical underpinning of the work (autopoietic theory) as well as the eventual conclusion, which is beneficial to the reader who wants to know if the further perusal of the study would serve his purposes. Some of its vocabulary appears to be specialized and operational to the study (e.g. â€Å"self-production†), but these need not be explained in the abstract. Actually, the use of such words makes the abstract more effective in capturing the interest of the reader. Upon reading the introduction, one is immediately

Friday, November 1, 2019

The history of manufacturing in the State of Michigan Essay

The history of manufacturing in the State of Michigan - Essay Example Mining and lumbering industry grew and developed rapidly and the profit from this industry paved the way for the growth of manufacturing industry in Michigan. Michigan became the largest manufacturer of iron and steel products in America. Transportation on railways and waterways were improved to help the growth of industrial sector (â€Å"The Growth of Manufacturing†). In the early history of development of Michigan, manufacturing industry hardly existed. Any small manufacturing units that were there during the early period produced goods only of domestic varieties to be used by families, especially farmers. The farmers produced goods with their own physical labour to meet their own demands. A variety of artisans like blacksmiths existed to make those goods that the families were not able to make by themselves (May & Dunbar 393). In the middle of the nineteenth century, Detroit was an important metropolitan centre in Michigan. Industry of trading and manufacturing flourished during that period and the population of the city became more than double. This added to the cultural advantage of the city. In 1850, illuminating gas was manufactured for the first time. It replaced the use of candles in many homes of citizens. The gas lights lightened up important streets, business centers and hotels. Sewing machines were begun to be manufactured in 1860 to ease household tasks. Kerosene lamps were first manufactured in 1861 and it came into the reach of families with moderate earnings (May and Dunbar 274-275). During the civil war in Michigan from 1861-1866, many new railroads were constructed. Lumbering industry continued to flourish like before. There was shortage of labour during the war as many young people participated in the war. In spite of this shortage, there was rapid development of the manufacturing and the mining industries. The farmers went on with their daily chores as usual. They began to work longer than before and took the help of